Here’s a different project for me. Quilling! I have been fascinated by this technique for some time but just haven’t gotten around to giving it a try. I bought some basic quilling supplies and a friend of mine gave me some quilling supplies she had and wasn’t going to use. Then another friend gave me some quilling dies. The die sets came with wired flower stems and a quilling tool! Now I really need to make something!
Again, there is no particular project yet. I don’t even know what some of these supplies are for. I would just like to try different quilling techniques first and probably a project will come to me then. I believe that the blue thing in the picture on the right crimps the little strips of paper as you wind it through. Don’t ask me what I’m suppose to do with it after that!

The dies I was given will work in my Gemini to cut out the shapes. There were even little samples in the package so I will know what I am making. I certainly couldn’t tell by looking at the die. Aren’t the flowers really cute? There is also a die to cut the tiny strips so they come out nice and straight and the same width the whole way! Running little strips of paper on the dies through my Gemini sounds like fun all by itself!
It’s ok to put something on your Project List that you would like to try. You don’t have to have the supplies, books, pattern, etc. to put something on your List. Just write it down!
See you tomorrow,