Well, we have reach the last day of April and the last day of adding projects to my/your List!
I didn’t keep any special project for today; maybe I should have. That reminds me to remind you that your list doesn’t have to be in any special order or special groupings. It is just a list, remember? Now that my list is complete, I will post a new blog in the next day or two showing my Project Book and what pages I have in it to help me keep on track throughout each month and the year. I think you will find it easier to have pages that you can look through when you are getting ready to work on your List and see what project you may not have gotten to recently or just what project you might feel like working on that day or week.
Back to today’s project. The project is in the book “Applique Basics and Beyond”. You may have this book and it looks a bit different than mine. It has been revised a bit since I bought my book. The newer revision has a couple of different patterns/designs than my book and vice versa. The project I am going to be working on is the same in both books.
A few years ago, I taught a class for the tree with Fall leaves and I think I will have a few students this year who will be doing this project before the flowers with fence project. The tree with leaves is an easy project to get started with and uses lots of the decorative stitches on your sewing machine instead of just using a simple applique, zig zag or blanket stitch.

This year I am stitching and teaching the design with the flowers and fence. It gets into more types of stitching, including thread painting. Lots of fun because you don’t have to “color” in the lines!!
I left the picture of the flowers and fence bigger for you so you can see some of the “fancy” stitching like what is around the daffodils. I will be sure to post close up pictures of the stitching as I get some done.
Well, this is the last day of the daily posting of projects. Did you start your list? I will post in a day or two about the 2022 April Insanity List project book so be sure to check back!
Thanks for coming along with me this month on my 2022 April Insanity List journey!
See you soon,