Last year I was looking for a way to use up some scraps that wasn’t tedious and boring. I started out thinking I’d just take scraps and cut them into little squares and just keep stitching them together in sections until I had enough sections to make a wall hanging or quilt. I really wanted to feel like I was doing something with all these scraps I saved. Well, that didn’t work for very long because it seemed like an overwhelming amount of work for scraps.

I came up with the idea to make small houses that would be all different fabrics from my scraps with the same or similar background fabrics. It seemed less boring and still easy enough to do to get these scraps used up.

Here are a couple of the houses stitched up. The block size is 4″ x 5 1/2″ finished.

I did a YouTube Live last year. Now that I look, it will be a year in April! Wow! Time does fly by! Some of my friends and students decided to join along with me so a small group of us did a scrap fabric exchange to give us more variety and also, and more importantly, have fabrics that reminded us of our friends. The rule was to fill a one gallon zip lock bag for each person we were exchanging with. It was great fun to get all the different fabrics and even more fun to see them in each other’s houses.

Thanks for stopping by!

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