Day Thirteen – Wild Flowers Embroidery

Day Thirteen project is an older one that I started. It is called “Wildflowers” and the flowers are done by machine embroidery applique in the hoop. In the hoop means that I hoop my background fabric and the design will stitch out. When there is an applique section in the design, the machine will stop so that I can put the applique fabric down. The machine will then do a tack down stitch to hold down the applique fabric. The machine stops again so that I can trim away the excess fabric that is outside the stitching to make the flower shape. The machine then goes on to do a satin stitch or decorative stitch around the shape plus the rest of the decorative stitching for the block.

When I said this was an older project, I meant it was a really, really older project. I have a few blocks stitched and a few stitched with the sashing attached. It’s about time for me to finish this project and the embroidery stitching goes pretty quickly.

I can choose whether I want the name of the flower on the block or not. So far, the blocks I have completed have the names of the flowers on the block. The plan is do make the quilt on the cover but a final decision hasn’t been made.

Also, there is another set of blocks called “More Wildflowers” so I have to also decide if I want to have these flowers in the same quilt or do another project with the additional set. I could also take the first set of flowers and put those into the second set quilt. So many decisions!!

So let’s see what I have on my list so far. There are four older projects……I should add a couple more. We’ll see!! Should doesn’t mean I will! Five of my projects are quilts. Oh my! I have some crocheting, some card making and some smaller projects. That seems to be pretty good so far. Remember, until the end of April, I can change anything I put on my list. Honestly, changes can be made any time you or I want to and we don’t have to ask anyone’s permission!! If you start to feel overwhelmed then you have too many big projects to do. Just relax. Take some off of your list and, if you’re worried you’ll forget about them, make a list that you can pull from when you finish a project on your April list.

The biggest rule is to write with a pencil and have a big eraser!!

See you tomorrow,

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