Day Twenty and only ten days to go!! Today is about equipment. As I’ve written about before, this is the year that we are going to use the equipment, supplies and tools that we already own and don’t seem to use or use much.
I have had the Brother PTouch Embellish for many years. It is the model that prints labels and prints on ribbon. In order to use the PTouch, you buy cartridges that have label tape in different colors and ribbon in different colors with different colored inks. While I have used it to make labels, I really can’t remember the last time I did. Well, I will be needing labels for the jars that I will have from canning, dehydrating or jam making. Seems the perfect opportunity to use my PTouch. I will have to give myself a refresher course though! Oh wait a minute, I did a video tutorial or two using the PTouch a few years back. Let me get that link right now so we can all look at it!
Some time ago, I purchased the PrintMaker made by We R Memory Keepers. I liked it because it didn’t require a cartridge of labels or ribbon. You can print on almost anything as long as you have a flat enough area to print on and it is not porous. I had a lot of fun with the PrintMaker then it got set aside.

I have a few things in mind to make with the PrintMaker so it and the PTouch are going on my list together. They aren’t something I am going to use every day or even every week but putting them on my List so it will remind me to use them. Once I am in the habit of using them more often (instead of writing on boxes, jars, etc.), I can take these off my List and add something else if I want to. I can also just have less projects to work on and see that I have completed some. That is a good feeling too!!
Check out the video tutorial below where I printed on a wooden spoon, leather and fabric with the PrintMaker. Cool!
When I think of what I may want to make or do with the PrintMaker and PTouch, I will write it in my Project Book so I know right where to go when I get these cool printers out.
See you tomorrow,