Day Nineteen and we’ve certainly passed the half way mark! How is your list coming along? Today’s project was a free pattern series from 2009 – 2010 from Bunny Hill Designs. At the time, you had to go onto the Bunny Hill Designs website each month to get that month’s free pattern. You were given a certain amount of time after that month to get the block before it became a block you had to purchase. I was very diligent and made sure I went to the website and downloaded each month!

So I bet you noticed that the year was 2009 – 2010! Yes, this project is that old. No shame here! Life happens, things get set aside or forgotten. Let’s not worry about how old your projects may be. Let’s just focus on putting a few of those old projects on your list so they are not forgotten. No need to put every unfinished project you can find on the list. That would be too much stress and we aren’t doing any more stress in 2022 than we have to!

The fabrics I am using for this project are a jelly roll from Moda Fabrics. A jelly roll is 42 strips that are 2 1/2″ x WOF (40″ – 44″). I haven’t look through the whole project container but I’m hoping there are some bigger pieces of fabric for the bigger shapes. I’m not going to worry about that today. Let’s just decide that I must have put the fabrics I needed into the project box!
Each month of these blocks is geared around the month. January has a snowman and February has some hearts. It will be fun to see what each month is a I start working on the baskets. I certainly can’t remember what each one is!! Yes, I know I have a picture of the whole quilt but I’ve put that away so I can have a nice surprise each time I open this project box!
This project is mostly machine applique. Your List should have different types of sewing unless you truly don’t want it to. For me, machine applique is probably my favorite technique. While my Four Seasons project has applique, it is applique in the hoop of my embroidery machine. The Tisket Tasket project is machine applique using a regular sewing machine. For your List, try to have some different techniques to your projects so that you aren’t always doing the same thing………..unless you want to, of course!
See you tomorrow,
PS. I just noticed my birds don’t have any beaks!!