Day Nine is a new project….making Christmas cards for next Christmas using my Cricut Joy. Wouldn’t it be nice to have these done way before the Christmas season? A couple of the pictures are from Cricut Design Space where there are lots of cards already design that I just have to send to my Cricut Joy to do the writing, foiling and cutting out shapes. Doesn’t that sound fun and easy!!

Cricut has card sets with envelopes for these particular projects and I have a couple of sets but I am going to make my own cards and inserts so that I can choose some of my glitter card stock from the supplies I already own. Another good thing about making the 2022 April Insanity List is to remember to choose some projects that use supplies you already have. I am trying very hard to buy as little as possible this year and use what I have on hand. That’s not always possible but let’s all try extra this year to use up our “inventory”.
If you are interested in seeing how these insert cards are made on the Joy, just click on the link below to view one of my Cricut Joy video tutorials.
See you tomorrow,